Saturday, January 19, 2008


and then, there were shells...


Unknown said...

OK, I want this turtle....seriously. I have never seen such a cute thing.

Having said that. I really like the whole shell thing that you talked about. Hiding away in your shell when, I don't know how you put it exactly, but when you venture out too far is how I took it. There are so many ways you can write about this. As a woman, a child, a mother, a teacher, a human, etc. It's a great analogy. I would love to hear what and how you write about the "shell".

Jodi said...

I'll try to keep you in the loop about it. I'm trying to incorporate the shell into the third part of my thesis work; and, I think it'd actually also work in the second part, which would act as a nice bridge from the second part into the third.

It has to do also with the internal and external; like the staircase, which way is inside and which is outside, what is up and what is down.

There are spirals on the exterior of the shell, but there are also spirals on the inside.

Unknown said...

Sometimes I'm jealous of the turtle and his shell. He has skin like us though it is more tough, and when he feels fear or pain or is just plain tired he can pull into that shell and be completely protected from the elements and from a predator.

Sometimes I've wished I had a glowing shield or energy that would surround me whenever I felt vulnerable and needed protection. Like certain super-hero's.

The turtle has a shield everywhere he goes....lucky bastard.