Friday, January 11, 2008

new, yellow, different


Unknown said... explain.

Jodi said...

I think this type of image is an obsession of mine right now. The awesome old lady that indulges in her "unique" behavior. Yesterday worked sucked, so I was stuck in silence, but I wanted to do something on the blog, so this picture hit. "new, yellow, different" is a phrase I've always found odd and funny. Do you remember the pill ad several years ago. Most, if not all of the add, was in black and white except for the pill the woman with the headache would take to make everything better. "New Yellow Different."

Unknown said...

Ahhhh....yes. Love it! Interesting combination; old lady, unique, black and white, with "new, yellow, different." Creative.... I love seeing how our brains work and what "they" come up with.

Melissa said...

ok not sure if I should even say this since you are attatched to this phrase, but i believe it was "Nuprin: little, yellow, different." I could be wrong tho :)

Jodi said...

No, you're probably absolutely right. I probably combined the phrasing with the saying for weddings: "something new, something borrowed, something blue" (though that might be wrong too).