Sunday, January 13, 2008

British Lit Survey

Working on getting my syllabi together for the British Lit Survey course I'm teaching and the Poetry workshop course as well.

The Brit Lit Survey syllabus is a bit more intensive to map out because of the logical progression skeleton I'd like to have. If I set this right, everything will fall into place. I'm going to enjoy this class quite a bit.

The Workshop should be awesome. It usually is. This semester I'm focusing quite a bit on narrative and how narrative is created in a manuscript. However, narrative does not imply an "I" that permeates the text and dictates the "story." It's something very much other. We're also looking at several works that maintain this odd sort of narrative, while at the same time questioning what poetry is and how poetry functions. Is poetry necessarily this thing written in verse, or is it something other? Can it disguise itself as prose, as fiction, as non-fiction? It should be fun, and also has interesting ramifications on the manuscripts I hope to be working on in full force during that time.

Anyway, just thought I'd let you know what I was up to. This break has gone too fast; it always does.


Unknown said...

What manuscripts are you going to be working on? Just wondering.

Jodi said...

Well, I'm hoping to revise my thesis. I have several ideas about how to go about doing this.

Plus, I have two new manuscripts I want to work on. One has a great deal to do with a triangle shape; I'll have to explain in person. It's a bit odd.

But the second one has to do with a box-like shape.

Also, I'd like to make some headway on the book I'd like to start drafting seriously on Beckett.

I've also been having a lot of ideas about stories; so I think I might also try my hand at a few fiction pieces.

Busy busy...I'm hoping this semester will be productive.

Unknown said...

Yeah-I have no idea what you are talking about when you say the manuscript has to do with a triangle shape and a box-like shape.

Would like to know. Maybe you can explain it on Thurs. Yay!

Jodi said...

I'll do so. :-)