Sunday, April 20, 2008

Media & ID chips: What do you all think of this?


Emily said...

wow, this video is lou dobbs on crack... except for the clip from his show, that was just lou dobbs. i agree with a lot of the points they make, especially about the shortcomings of mainstream media, distractions, the decline of U.S. civil liberties, national security issues, the scariness of real ID. i liked the message about humankind and nature at the end.

but overall this is straight-up conspiracy theory, and most of the predictions are exceedingly unlikely to come to pass. there are plenty more important things to be worried about right now than a bunch of fear-crazed americans begging to be implanted with microchips...and videos like this one serve only to obscure the real issues, or degrade them for being lumped into the same category as the “9/11 was a hoax” class. but i guess it’s nice to see that the government and mainstream media don’t have the market cornered on fear mongering.

it’s well done—effective use of music and narration, and the image of a burning constitution is bound to make an impact. hopefully it will not convince/scare the crap out of anyone but instead compel viewers to think skeptically, take a critical look at the institutions around them, and ask questions, seek answers, etc...

what do you think of it?

Jodi said...

I wasn't sure what to make of it.

I think everything comes down to one basic thing: our belief in humankind. If we believe in the basic ability of humankind to overcome (in a positive way) anything, we're always going to be okay. We as humans are exceptionally innovative, and I'm constantly in awe.

I do fear the opposite. I know that's when I feel discouraged in my writing...when I feel disillusioned about humankind, when I lose faith in my reader, in my fellow being. When that happens, I find writing nearly impossible. But typically I'm so excited about our potential, I can't help but be excited about our ability to create and seek. I write like mad believing my work to be crucial to that continued creative centre and synergy.

Don't know that this makes sense; but I believe our faith in humanity to be crucial to our worldview. But I don't mean we should be so optimistic we lose sight of important things; but, I do fear our loss of faith in humankind...once that happens, anything is possible, and not in a good way.